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Actual Science, Actually

Updated: Sep 9, 2023

21.04.2023: „How does science actually work?”- seminar for pupils of the lower grade, Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen, Traunkirchen

It has been great fun to discuss how science actually works with 9-15-year-old pupils at the Traunsee. The big diversity in age didn’t matter, with the 10-year-old girls being the most active participants, who wanted to know killer immune cells actually kill cancer and how tumor cells try to hide from them. The audience was allowed to ask any question they liked, scientific and personal, including Prof. Bergthaler’s age (with an estimated average of 37!), his monthly salary (800 to up to 10.000!), height and working hours. Each participant was encouraged to bring a drawing that showed what they associated with science. Albert Einstein, test tubes, black holes, Big Bang Theory and the microscope were the most prominent… and provided impulses for discussions. When some pupils wanted Prof. Bergthaler to “mix something together” and to do a live experiment, this was the only request he couldn’t fulfill.

Information on additional events of the Girls Academy, Quantum Physics Pupils Lab and Molecular Cooking etc. at the Internationale Akademie Traunkirchen can be found here. Many thanks to the Medical University of Vienna for providing the goodies for the kids! The foldable frisbees were liked the most!


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